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Tata Tea has taken the second leg of its brand activism initiative ‘Jaago Re’ a step further with the launch of yet another powerful film titled ‘Celebrate the Goddesses of our Homes’. With Jaago Re Version 2.0, the brand’s activism themed initiative turned into the communication around social issues on the theme of pre-activism ‘Alarm bajne se pehle Jaago Re’. 

Conceptualised by Wavemaker, the new digital film draws parallel between Goddess Durga and the women at home and office who are part of our daily lives, who make our lives better by working round the clock and multitasking tirelessly. The film compares these women to the goddess being worshipped during Durga Puja and how people fail to realise that these women are the images of the goddess too. It is up to us to ensure that they are also given the respect that they deserve. The film ends with a powerful statistic on domestic abuse in India which is thought provoking.

Speaking on the new digital film, Puneet Das, Head - Tea Marketing India, Tata Global Beverages, said, “Tata Tea-Alarm Bajne se Pehle Jaago Re has been driving messages of ‘pre-activism’ in a relevant and thought-provoking manner. On the occasion of Durga Puja, we wanted to connect with our consumers at an emotional level and while drawing a parallel with the celebration of the goddess, reiterate the message of respecting the (women) goddesses in our homes.”

Commenting on the latest film, Karthik Nagarajan, Chief Content Officer, Wavemaker India, said, “Every year for 10 days, we celebrate the Goddess with 10 hands, shower her with all our prayers and offerings, but tend to ignore the women in our households who the Goddess symbolises. This central idea led to the creation of this digital film.”

The Film: